Sunday Classes

9:00-10:00 am

Dunkers: Online only

The Dunkers represent many walks of life and are interested in a wide range of topics. They are people who have thought deeply about their faith and consider such matters as spiritual growth, science and religion, history, poetry, literature, ethics, and world issues of Christian concern from a Christian perspective. Class members freely express their varied opinions. A short devotion opens each class. Their friendships and mutual understanding deepens through their quarterly social gatherings. Through their “Wings Fund,” they support several groups in and organizations. For more information, contact Wayne Archer.

9:30-10:30 am

Fishermen: Education Building upstairs, Room 232 at 9:30 am

The Fishermen Class is a supportive, caring group of senior adults who begin class each week singing beloved gospel and praise hymns and songs. They then study God’s word using the Uniform Bible Study Series led by several rotating facilitators. They close each week sharing joys and concerns and praying together. Their participation doesn’t end on Sunday mornings as they donate time, service and money to groups in Trinity and in the community (eg Community Food Bank, Milk Fund, Family Promise, the Trinity youth ministry). They support each other like extended family during the good and difficult times. Singing starts at 9:30 each week and all are welcome! For more information, contact Gail Werner.

Misty Mornings: Education Building upstairs, Room 207 at 9:30 am

Misty Mornings is an eclectic group of adults who seek to be conformed to the image of Christ for the sake of others. They are ground in Trinity’s value of being big-hearted, Spirit-led, Christ-minded, and bound by love. They listen for God in their lives through a focus on praying, renewing their awareness of Scripture, and reading spiritually challenging materials together. Shared leadership allows all to participate in a warm, fun, friendly environment. They support one another with dynamic and spontaneous discussions guided by the Holy Spirit. They also support local and global missions and outreach and enjoy social gatherings together. For more information, contact Mary Hall or Cheryl Osborn.

Open Door: Education Building upstairs, Room 203 at 9:30 am

The Open Door class engages each week in reading and studying the Bible together. If you’re ready to dig into Scripture, this is the class for you. Most folks in this small group are retired, and all are welcome. For more information, contact Bill Lindberg.

Pathfinders: Education Building upstairs, Room 211 at 9:30 am

The Pathfinders are finding their way together as Christians. This group likes to share in conversation connecting Scripture and modern day insights into Christian living. They are currently taking a deeper look at some of Jesus’ parables and in mid October will begin a study of Courage based on the book by Bishop Tom Berlin. A group of mainly 70s and older, many in this class have been together for years, and they are always excited to welcome newcomers to the class or to Trinity. For more information, contact Jim Cook.

Seekers: Education Building upstairs, Room 225 at 9:30 am

The Seekers are a close-knit group of Christians, both married and single, seeking to deepen their experience of Christ. Primarily a group 60 and older, they welcome persons of any age. Some in this class have been meeting together since they were young adults, yet they continue to warmly welcome newcomers. Several share in the facilitation of the class and they often engage in books studies to grow in their faith and understanding. They share God’s love through service and social gatherings and support one another in life’s journey. For more information, contact Mary Ann Williams.

11:00 am-12:00 pm

Adult Bible Study: Education Building | Room 222 | 11:00 am

Description:  This class provides an opportunity for adults to grow closer to God through Bible study with video, group discussion, and prayer. We welcome anyone who is interested in meeting new people, deepening relationships, and building "community in Christ" (Brunch/snacks will also be available).

Facilitator:  Wendy Alexander is an Occupational Therapist who works at UF Health Rehab Hospital and has been a member of Trinity for many years. She enjoys attending and facilitating small groups because she believes it helps her grow spiritually and gives her the opportunity to know people at a deeper level.

Dates:  Sundays (ongoing) | Time:  11:00 am | Location:  Room 222 | Contact: Wendy Alexander