Planned Giving
Did you know that you can have a lasting impact on the mission and ministries of Trinity through legacy gifts made both during your lifetime and through your estate? The Permanent Endowment and Planned Giving Ministry Funds were established to help members of the Trinity family offer gifts that would benefit both the church and the donor in life and in death. Gifts can be made to both endowed and non-endowed funds, and can be undesignated or designated to support areas of ministry for which specific funds have been established.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are some of the ways gifts can be made?
Planned giving can include outright gifts made during the donor's lifetime through cash, stocks, and property.
It may include gifts that are a part of distributing one's estate, such as bequests, living trusts, life estates, insurance policies, and donor life income programs.
If you are at a stage when you would like to receive a constant stream of income for the remainder of your life, cut taxes and make a charitable gift, you might want to look into the following options that allow you to accomplish these goals while supporting Trinity through your generosity:
A Charitable Gift Annuity is a simple gift agreement set up between you and the Florida United Methodist Foundation that enables one or two persons to receive a lifetime income that is partially tax free.
A Charitable Remainder Trust can be set up by you as an irrevocable gift to Trinity. There are two basic types of Charitable Remainder Trusts: Annuity Trusts (CRAT) and Unitrusts (CRUT). Annuity Trusts pay a fixed amount of income to the donor and Unitrusts pay a percentage based on the annual value of the trust.
What is an endowed fund?
An endowed fund is one from which only the earnings on contributions are distributed for use by the church. The principal remains intact and continues to generate income that can be used to support Trinity's ministries in perpetuity.
What is a non-endowed fund?
A non-endowed fund is one from which both the principal and the interest can be withdrawn to use toward purposes specified by the fund.
What specific fund categories are already established?
Currently there are seven funds available to receive gifts:
General Fund
Capital Improvement and Nonrecurring Maintenance Fund
Children's Intern Ministries Fund
Missions Fund
Music Fund
Spiritual Formation Fund
Youth Fund
Can new funds be established for other areas of ministry?
Yes! A new fund can be created with approval of the Church Council and a minimum gift of $10,000.
What are some examples of how planned giving has made a difference in the ministries of Trinity?
In 2023, funds were able to be allocated to help launch Trinity's Mobile Food Pantry; support the renovation of the hospitality room for worship, funerals, and weddings; enhance WiFi capabilities on the northwest campus for small groups, classes, and worship needs; help complete the renovation of a sports courts complex that includes six pickleball courts and a full-length basketball court with state-of-the-art goals for use by the community.
What is the Legacy Society?
The Legacy Society includes those of us who have made lifetime gifts through Trinity's planned giving program and/or have declared their intention to include Trinity in giving plans for their estate.
Planned Giving: Leaving a Legacy
At any age, you may explore creative giving alternatives that can benefit you - the donor - as well as the recipient. Planned gifts can be made in life or after death and can support the missions and ministries of Trinity. Consult with your financial planner or estate attorney to discover the benefits of these types of gifts and if they may be right for your financial or estate plan.
Permanent Endowment and Planned Giving Ministry Committee
2024 Meeting Dates
(All Meetings on Tuesdays @ 4pm)
January 23rd
March 19th
May 21st
July 23rd
September 24th
November 26th
Consult with your IRA Manager and tax preparer or CPA for your options.
To take the next step, please contact Stephanie Dyal, Director of Church Administration and Finance (sdyal@trinitygnv.org or 352-376-6615).