Ways to Serve

Servant Volunteers are the heart of Trinity.

You can change the world with your gifts to our church, our community, and the world: no matter how big or small.

Tech Team Lunch

Looking for an opportunity to serve? Consider joining our worship tech team! We have open positions for operating cameras, monitoring the livestream, and running ProPresenter. No experience is necessary and the time commitment is only one to two hours per month.

Join us on June 9th following the 11:00 AM service in Side B of the Worship Center to enjoy a free lunch, learn about open opportunities, and meet the team. Please RSVP by June 5th to Natasha Atlas (natlas@trinitgnv.org).

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Everyone can be a greeter: just smile and wave to welcome our guests on campus! We need 10 greeters for each service on Sunday.

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Currently, we have pre-set communion bags that need to be distributed to each family group before each Sunday service.

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Ushers have responsibilities before, during, and after each service. Training is four times a year!

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The Golf Cart Driver is needed before and after service to assist with transport from the parking lot.

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Help produce the worship broadcasts through the cameras and live stream software.

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A warm welcome before and during worship service is a great way to share the love of Christ everywhere in the world. A computer is necessary, and we will provide training.


Each one of these folks has served our church for 15+ years. As a small token of our appreciation, we honor them now and forever.